
Literature Review on
Drivers of Deforestation and Forest Degradation
in the ECOWAS region

Slides presenting an overview of the methodological approach and objectives

Literature - Overview

Language distribution

Geographic scope

Number of sources per country

Methodological approaches

Literature - All in alphabetical order

Literature - Highlights

Literature - Sorted by country

Literature - Regional & Global

Bibliography in additional formats



Related literature reviews

Central Africa Forest Initiative (CAFI)

This collection of literature focused on remote sensing techniques to assess deforestation and forest degradation in Central Africa is available on the CAFI DDD website here.  Relevant global literature have also been integrated within the ECOWAS bibliography in Zotero and CSV formats.  For more information about this literature review, contact

West Africa Land Cover

This collection of literature focused on remote sensing techniques to assess land use and land cover in West Africa has been integrated within the the ECOWAS bibliography in Zotero and CSV formats. For more information about this literature review, contact